68 Licenses to be paid for hauling
seines with meshes less than
three inches in such waters.
69. Violation of. three preceding sec-
tions; penalty
70. Warrant of justice to arrest persons
violating sections 66-68
71. Arrest without warrant, of persons
violating sections 66-68, prop-
erty used in such violation to
be seized; notice to owner of
such to appear.
72. Sale of such property, proceedings
for; appeal allowed.
73. Owner, when not known, how to
be designated in the notice re-
quired to be given.
74. Proceeds of such sale, how dis-
tributed; commitment to jail
of persons failing to pay fines
and penalties.
75. Attempt to violate sections 66-68,
how punished, possession by
non-resident of any tackle used
in fishing, prima facie evidence
of attempt.
76. Oyster police boat for sixth dis-
trict to supervise fisheries in
such waters; arrest of offenders
by commander of, penalty
77. Where unlawful to construct fish
traps or pound nets; exception
as regards citizens of Charles
county, penalty.
78. License to sell hogs or poultry by
79. Cost of such license.
SO. Violation of section 78; penalty.
Jurors, 'Witnesses, Bailiffs, Crier
and Messengers.
81. Pay of.
Justices of the Peace and Con-
82. Number of.
83. Jurisdiction of, in cases of assault
and battery.
84. Proceedings upon appeal in such
85. Quarterly payments by, to county
commissioners, of fines and pen-
allies arising under two preced-
ing sections.
86 Additional jurisdiction of, jury
trial allowed if prayed
87. Fees to.
88. Fees, by whom to be paid.
Landlord and Tenant.
89. Letting on shares, provisions con-
Land Records.
90. Campbell system to be used in in-
dexing, fee for, how paid.
La Plata.
91. Citizens of, are a body corporate,
under name of the "Commis-
sioners of La Plata;" general
powers of.
92. Limits of.
93. Qualification of voters in; election,
number and qualifications of
94. President of, how chosen; vacancy
in commissioners, how filled.
95. Meetings of.
96. Judges of elections, appointment
and duties of.
97. Clerk to commissioners, appoint-
ment and duties of.
98. Bailiff, appointment of.
99. Compensation to bailiff and clerk
not to exceed $20 per annum.
100. Oath of commissioners and other
officers of.
101. Bond of clerk and bailiff.
102. Returns of elections; commis-
sioners to receive and determine
all questions arising thereon;
appeal of party aggrieved.
103. Duties of commissioners.
104. Preservation of health, commis-
sioners to pass ordinances for.
105. Assessments, when to be made;
limit of rate of taxation.