ART. 8.] ROADS. 877
and shall keep the same at all times in safe and substantial con-
dition, and shall make all necessary repairs or improvements,
thereto, not exceeding in cost fifteen dollars in any one case,
unless ordered by the county commissioners to expend a larger
sum in said repairs or improvements; but they shall not exceed,
in the total annual expenditure made by them, the amount
appropriated for their respective road districts; and it shall be
the duty of said road commissioners, prior to the second Tuesday
of every month, to inspect the roads and bridges in their respec-
tive road districts, and report in writing the condition of the same
to the county commissioners, at their regular meeting in said
month, with any recommendations that they may desire to make,
and with a detailed statement of the cost of repairs or improve-
ments made by them up to that time, attaching to said statement
all written orders of the county commissioners, directing them to
make repairs or improvements, and all claims against them for
labor or material, duly receipted, and also an aiSdavit setting
forth the correctness of said statement; and they shall also, at
the same time, report to the county commissioners the name of
any supervisor who may have failed to perform his duties as
defined in this sub-title of this article; and any road commis-
sioner failing to submit a written report and statement each
month, as herein provided, shall forfeit all claims that he may
have against the county for services rendered during that month;
and the road commissioners in each election district, with the
county commissioner in charge of said district, shall make, prior
to the first day of each of the months of June and December in
each year, a general inspection of the roads therein, and shall
determine whether said roads are in the condition required by
law, and report their determination to the county commissioners;
and immediately after said inspection, the road commissioners
shall meet to issue to the road supervisors who may be entitled
to receive them, certificates for one-half of the yearly proportion
of their contracts, deducting from the certificates of such super-
visors as may have forfeited any part of their yearly allowance
by neglect of duty, the amount so forfeited since the last general
inspection; but no certificate shall be subsequently issued for the
half year in which the general inspection is made, to any super-
visor whose road was not in proper condition at the time of said