inspection, even though the road be repaired thereafter; nor shall
any certificate be issued except upon the concurrence of at least
two road commissioners, who shall also affix their names to said
certificates; and the said certificates shall be paid by the clerk of
the county commissioners on presentation to him; and the com-
pensation of the road commissioners shall be two dollars per day
for every day that they may be necessarily engaged in the per-
formance of their duties; said compensation not to exceed in the
aggregate for any one year more than fifty dollars, except for
services rendered in making repairs and improvements, which
shall be fixed by the county commissioners; and in case of the
failure or refusal of any road commissioner to perform his duties,
the county commissioners shall proceed against him in the same
manner as against a delinquent road supervisor; and the said road
commissioners shall each give a good and sufficient bond, with
ample security, to the county commissioners, in the penalty of
two thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of
the duties imposed upon them by law, and the proper and lawful
application of all public funds that may come into their hands;
and said bond shall be liable for the damages sustained by any
one, in person or property, in consequence of the neglect of duty
upon the part of said road commissioners.
1884, ch. 45.
318. Whenever any person shall desire to improve any road
to an extent beyond that required by law, he shall make appli-
cation in writing to the county commissioners, who shall direct
the road commissioners for the election district in which the
road is located, to view the same and report whether in their
judgment the improvements should be made, and also the esti-
mated cost of said improvements; and the county commissioners
may thereupon order said improvements to be made; provided,
the person making the application shall agree to contribute one-
half of the cost in cash or in labor, as he may prefer; and said
improvements shall be made under the supervision of the road
commissioner in whose road district the road is located; and
whenever the citizens of any district shall petition the county
commissioners for the erection of a new bridge, or the commis-
sioners shall desire the construction of a new road already laid