costs; and if the same cannot be recovered from the said super-
visor, his bond shall be liable for the payment thereof, the fine to
be paid into the county treasury to the credit of the road and
bridge account; and the county commissioners, in their dis-
cretion, may, upon the complaint to them in writing of any
responsible citizen and taxpayer of the county, or upon the report
of any road commissioner or county commissioner, that any
supervisor is derelict in his duty, cause a summons, directed to
the sheriff of the county, to be issued by their clerk, commanding
said supervisor to appear before them on a day named by them,
to answer said complaint or report, and if he shall fail to make
satisfactory answer or shall refuse to appear, the commissioners
shall at once declare him removed from office, and shall direct
the road commissioner in charge of the road district where said
supervisor resides, to take charge of his road and repair the same
during the remainder of the term of said supervisor; and the
bond of said supervisor shall be liable for all costs of said repairs
in excess of the amount of contract, and shall be sued on by the
county commissioners to recover said costs if the sureties shall
refuse to pay the same; but if the sureties shall desire to have one
of their number, a resident of the road district in which the said
road is located, or some other reliable person residing in said
district, to take charge of the road, he may be appointed by the
county commissioners to succeed said supervisor, but shall be
required to execute a new contract and bond for the remainder of
the term; and the same rule shall apply in case of death or
removal from the county, of any supervisor; and in the hearing of
a complaint or report against a supervisor, the county commis-
sioners shall allow ample time for the appearance of the accused,
and shall summon before them any witnesses that he may ask to
be heard in his behalf, and also any witnesses that may be
necessary to sustain the complaint or report, and the bonds of the
supervisors shall be liable for the damages sustained by any one,
in person or property, in consequence of the neglect of duty
upon the part of said supervisors.
1886, ch. 63.
317. The road commissioners shall have immediate charge of
all bridges, sluices and trunks in their respective road districts,