woodcock, wild duck, sora or water-rail, rabbit or muskrat, so
shot or taken; one-half of said fine to be paid to the informer
and the remainder as directed in section 33; and on failure to pay
said fine shall be lodged in the county jail for ten days.
1886, ch. 505. 1888, ch. 356.
29. It shall not be lawful for any non-resident not a bona fide
owner of real estate of said county to shoot or trap, or employ
any one else to shoot or trap any partridge, quail, woodcock, wild
duck, sora or water-rail, rabbit or muskrat, within the limits of
said county without having first obtained from the clerk of the
circuit court for said county a license permitting the person
named in such license to shoot or trap any of the above-named
wild game in said county for one year from the day on which
said license is issued; and the person named therein on pro-
curing such license shall pay to said clerk for such license the
sum. of four dollars and fifty cents, and fifty cents to the clerk
for his fee for issuing such license; and any non-resident, not an
owner of real estate in said county, convicted before any justice
of the peace of said county of gunning, or employing any one
else to gun within the limits of said county without a license so
to do, shall be fined the sum of thirty dollars for the first and
for every subsequent offence; and on failure to pay said fine the
offender shall be confined in the county jail for thirty days.
30. It shall not be lawful for any person to ship, or attempt
to ship out of said county, at any season of the year, any par-
tridges, quail, woodcock or rabbits that have been shot or trapped
in said county into any other county or State; and any per-
son violating the provisions of this section by selling or ship-
ping game out of said county shall be fined the sum of five
dollars for every partridge, quail, woodcock or rabbit so shipped;
and persons convicted before any justice of the peace for said
county failing to pay said fine shall be confined in the county
jail for thirty days.
1882, ch. 464.
31. The possession by any person within the county, of any of
the birds or other wild game mentioned in the four preceding