F. L. L., (1860,) art. 6, sec. 24.
24. Any person who shall sell any spirituous liquors, or any-
thing whatever, to, or purchase anything which shall belong to
said almshouse, from any inmate thereof, shall forfeit and pay for
every offence the sum of thirty dollars, to the use of the trustees.
Ibid. sec. 25.
25. All sheriffs, constables and other officers shall aid and
assist the trustees of the poor, and the officers employed by them,
in the execution of their respective duties.
Ibid. sec. 26.
26. If any person shall at any time be sued or prosecuted for
anything done in pursuance of this law, he may plead the general
issue, and give the special matter in evidence in his defence; and
if upon trial a verdict shall be given for the defendant, or if the
plaintiff be nonsuited or discontinue, the defendant shall recover
treble costs.
1883, ch. 464
27. It shall not be lawful for any person in Caroline county
to shoot, kill, catch, or in any way entrap, any partridges or quail
in said county between the first day of February and the first
day of November in each and every year; nor any woodcock
between the first day of February and the fourth day of July in
each and every year; nor any wild ducks between the first day
of April and the tenth day of September in each and every year;
nor any sora or water-rail between the first day of January and
the twentieth day of September in each and every year; nor any
rabbits between the first day of January and the first day of
November in each and every year; nor any muskrats between the
fifteenth day of March and the first day of December in each
and every year.
28. Any person violating any of the provisions of the pre-
ceding section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof before any justice of the peace for said county
shall pay a fine of five dollars for each and every partridge, quail,