the inmates of the almshouse and work-house, and lay the same,
under oath, before the trustees, as often as required.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 6, sec. 19.
19. He may compel any of the inmates of the almshouse and
work-house, if of sufficient ability, to work, and shall sell the
produce of their labor and account for the same.
Ibid. sec. 20.
20. Any justice of the peace of the county, upon complaint
made that any person, from his disorderly conduct, gives dis-
turbance to a neighborhood, and is likely to become chargeable to
the county, and being satisfied, upon hearing the party, that the
complaint is well founded, may commit such disorderly person,
to the work-house for any period not exceeding three months,
unless he shall find security, at the discretion of the justice, for
his good behavior for the space of six months.
Ibid. sec. 21.
21. Upon complaint and due proof made by the overseer of
the almshouse to any one of the trustees, that any person therein
hath behaved in a disorderly manner, or hath refused to perform
his daily labor, or to obey the rules and by-laws of the corpora-
tion, or any of them, the said trustees may order such person to
be put on short allowance for any number of days, not exceed-
ing twenty.
Ibid. sec. 32.
22. Any two of the trustees may, in writing, appoint what
poor shall be received into said almshouse.
Ibid. sec. 33.
23. Any justice of the peace of the county may authorize a.
constable to apprehend and bring before him, or some other jus-
tice of the peace of the county, any vagrant, vagabond, beg-
gar, or other idle, dissolute and disorderly person found loitering
or residing in said county, and who has no visible means of sup-
port, and may commit him to the work-house, to be there kept
at hard labor for any period not exceeding six months.