county taxes of said county, shall present the same to said county
commissioners during the first five days of their session in April
of each year, when they meet to make the annual State and county
levy; and it shall be the duty of the county commissioners to
make and preserve a memorandum of the number of each order,
check or draft so presented, the amount thereof, the date of its
issue, and the person to whom issued; and the county commis-
sioners are authorized and empowered to levy upon the assessable
property of the county a sum of money sufficient to pay the same,
provided the funds and solvent tax bills in the hands of the said
collectors appear to be insufficient for the purpose.
1878, ch. 344
50. The holders of said orders, checks or drafts faih'ng to
present the same to the county commissioners as provided for in
the preceding section, shall not be entitled to receive or demand
of, or from said collectors, any interest on the same after the time
provided in said section for the presentment thereof; nor shall
any interest be collectible on said orders, checks or drafts when
held by persons who refuse to accept from said collector payment
thereof, after payment has been tendered by said collectors.
1876, ch. 124. 1884, ch. 90. 1884, ch. 91
51. The county commissioners are authorized and empowered
to levy annually on the assessable property of the county a tax
sufficient to pay the annual interest on all outstanding bonds here-
tofore issued according to law, and also, when necessary, to pay
the principal of said bonds as the same shall fall due. The
bonds issued under the acts of 1884, chapter 90, and 1884, chapter
91, shall be exempt from all taxation, and the coupons for interest
thereon shall be receivable in payment of county taxes.
1886, ch 443
52. Before making their annual levy in each and every year,
they shall contract for the printing and publishing in not less
than two newspapers in said county, of the annual statement,
notice of registration and election; and they shall have printed
in not more than one paper in said county, such other printing as
is or may be required to be done and paid for by the county