under such lease after its expiration, he shall be deemed a tenant
for such period as the premises were originally leased to him, and
so from such period to such period; and if his landlord give him
thirty days' notice before the termination of any period of his
tenancy, it shall terminate such tenancy.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 884.
859. If lands or tenements be held in said city by tenancy at
will, at sufferance or pur autre vie, thirty days' notice by the
landlord or reversioner to the tenant or occupant shall terminate
such tenancy at the expiration of thirty days.
Ibid. sec. 886.
860. Any of the tenancies mentioned in the three preceding
sections may be terminated by the tenant's giving notice to the
landlord thirty days previous to the end of the year, or other
period for which he holds the same.
Ibid. sec. 886.
861. The notice required by the preceding sections shall be in
writing and served on the tenant, or left at his place of abode or
business, or served on his agent or servant, or served on any
occupant of the premises; and if there be no person living on the
premises the same may be served by being set up on a conspic-
uous part of the premises.
Ibid. sec. 897.
862. Such notice shall be sufficient in form if it contains a re-
quest by the landlord to the tenant to leave the premises, or if it
state the intention of the tenant to leave the same, and it need
not state the time when the tenant is requested to leave the same,
or when the tenant intends to do so.
Ibid. sec. 888.
863. Such notice, without any additional notice, shall entitle
the landlord to the benefit of the law providing for the speedy
recovery of the possession of lands or tenements held over by
Ibid. sec. 889.
864. If by agreement of the parties the time and manner of
notice is specified, such notice shall be given as the agreement