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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 560   View pdf image (33K)
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first ten days of each month, with a certificate of the bank that
the same is so deposited; and on failure to make such daily
deposits and to send such certificate, he shall, on proof thereof to
the satisfaction of the governor, be liable to removal from office
by the governor, and the comptroller shall immediately enter suit
upon his bond.

1874, ch. 488.

854. The treasurer of the State may make weekly examina-
tion of the books of the collector of State taxes in Baltimore city,
whose books shall always be open to such inspection.


855. If there be no collector of State taxes qualified and'
compensated in conformity with the foregoing provisions in said
city by the fifteenth day of May in any year, the governor shall
appoint from any part of the State a collector for the said city,
who shall give bond, with sureties to be approved by the governor,
and be in all respects on a footing with other State collector's
bonds as provided in the public general iaws, article 81, title
"Revenue and Taxes," and the said collector shall have all the
power of other collectors.


856. The mayor and city council of Baltimore shall levy upon
the assessable property in the city of Baltimore such commission
as will in its judgment insure a speedy collection of said taxes
not exceeding two per centum on the amount to be placed in the
hands of said collector for the city of Baltimore; said commission
to be levied for the use of said collector, and to be collected as
other charges are collected.


P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 882.

857. Where any lands or tenements in the city of Baltimore
are held from year to year, the tenancy shall be terminated if the
lessor give to the tenant ninety days' notice before the end of the


Ibid. sec. 883.

858. If land be held in said city under a lease for a month, or
any less period than a year, and the tenant continues to occupy


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 560   View pdf image (33K)
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