provides, and when given by the landlord, shall entitle him to
all the benefits of the preceding sections, without any other
1861, ch 96.
865. One justice of the peace of said city shall have all the
powers conferred upon two justices and a jury by the public
general laws in relation to landlords and tenants, subject to appeal
as in other cases of judgments by justices of the peace in said
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 891.
866. If the summons issued for the tenant in a proceeding to
dispossess him be returned non est, a second summons, return-
able in not less than five days shall be issued, and if the tenant
shall not be found, a copy of the second summons shall be left
with the occupant of the premises, or if they be vacant, affixed
to some principal building, or if no building, then set up on the
premises; and on the day assigned in the summons for the ap-
pearance of the party the justice shall proceed as if he had ap-
Ibid. sec. 893.
867. The landlord or reversioner may file with the justice in-
terrogatories to be answered by the tenant touching the tenancy
or notice, or for any other matter of evidence in support of the
pretensions of said landlord or reversioner, in and about such
Ibid. sec. 893.
868. If a copy of such interrogatories be served on the tenant,
he shall answer the same before the third day, exclusive of the
day of service; and upon his failure to answer the matters in-
quired of by such interrogatories, they shall be taken as con-
fessed by him; but on cause shown, the justice may give further
time for answering, not exceeding eight days in the whole, from
and exclusive of the day of service.
Ibid. sec. 894.
869. The copies of said interrogatories may be served in the
same manner that notices to quit are directed to be served.