expenses thereof, which shall be assessed upon the proprietors in
proportion to the number of feet held by them, respectively, in
front or length, and shall be collected by the mayor and city
council as taxes levied for paving public streets.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 852.
816. They may pass all ordinances necessary for grading, reg-
ulating, paving and repairing the footways in the streets, lanes
and alleys of the city, and impose a tax on any lot fronting on
any paved street, lane or alley for the purpose of grading, regu-
lating, paving or repairing footways in front thereof, or compel
by fine or otherwise, the owner or proprietor of any lot to pave
or repair the footways in front thereof, agreeably to the ordi-
nances to be passed by them.
Ibid. sec. 851
817. Whenever the board of health shall certify in writing to
the mayor that it is necessary for the health of the city to alter
the grade of any street, lane or alley on low or made ground, the
mayor shall issue his order to the city commissioner, who shall
thereupon call upon the several property holders on such street,
lane or alley, and procure from them their assent in writing to
such alteration; and if any property holder shall refuse to permit
the same to be graded, and shall require damages therefor, and
cannot agree with the commissioners as to the amount of dam-
ages, or should there be any legal disability on the part of those
owning property on such street, lane or alley, the judge of the
Baltimore city court, on application of the corporation, shall
appoint three disinterested persons to assess such damages, who
shall return on oath their award to said court, and the same shall
be confirmed by the court unless cause to the contrary be shown;
in which case the court shall at the first term thereafter decide
finally thereon; and when the damages so assessed or agreed
upon shall be paid by the mayor and city council to the persons
so assessed, and legally entitled to receive the same, the mayor
and city council may proceed to regrade and pave the said street,
lane or alley.
Ibid sec. 867.
818. The president, directors and companies of the different
turnpike companies owning roads running into the city of Balti-