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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 532   View pdf image (33K)
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gross receipts of nine per cent., in quarterly instalments, on the
first day of January, April, July and October, in each year.


1886, ch. 289.

770. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the superior court of
Baltimore city to formulate and prepare a new plan or system for
the indexing of all deeds, conveyances and other papers required
by law to be recorded among the land records in his office, and
submit the same to the supreme bench of Baltimore city for its


771. Upon the adoption and approval of the plan or system
of indexing authorized by the preceding section, the clerk of the
superior court of Baltimore city is authorized and directed to
make and prepare for use in his said office, a new index of all
land records and conveyances in his keeping, npon the plan or
system so adopted and approved, in books suitable for the pur-
pose; and all deeds and conveyances hereafter recorded among
said land records, shall be indexed upon the plan or system afore-


772. Whenever, from age or wear, any of the record books in
'the keeping of the clerk of the superior court of Baltimore city
shall be in danger of destruction or obliteration, it shall be the
duty of the clerk of said court, when required so to do by the
supreme bench of said city, to renew any such record book by
transcribing the same into new books.


773. The cost of making and preparing such new indexes
and records shall be paid out of the fees collected by the clerk of
the superior court aforesaid.


1886, ch. 433.

774. No vehicle of any description shall be permitted to carry
ice upon the streets or highways of Baltimore city, for the pur-
pose of selling the same, on the Sabbath day, commonly called


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 532   View pdf image (33K)
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