1886, ch. 433.
775. If any person or corporation be found guilty of causing
or in any way contributing to the violation of the preceding
section, he shall be subjected to a fine of not more than fifty
dollars, in the discretion of the court.
1884, ch. 2.
776. The mayor and city council of Baltimore shall have full
power and authority to establish in said city a system of free pub-
lic schools, which shall include a school or schools for manual or
industrial training, under such ordinances, rules and regulations
as they may deem fit and proper to enact and prescribe; they may
delegate supervisory powers and control to a board of public
school commissioners; may prescribe rules for building school
houses and locating, establishing and closing schools, and may in
general do every act that may be necessary or proper in the
1873, ch. 377. 1888, ch. 98, sec. 86.
777. The board of commissioners of public schools of Balti-
more city shall have power to examine, appoint and remove
teachers, prescribe the qualifications, fix the salaries, subject to
the approval of the mayor and city council, and select text-books
for the schools of said city; provided, such text-books shall con-
tain nothing of a sectarian or partisan character. They shall
annually make a report to the State board of education, of the
condition of the schools under their charge, to include a state-
ment of expenditures, the number of children taught, and such
other statistical information as may be necessary to exhibit the
operation of the schools. All school teachers connected with the
public schools of Baltimore county, in those parts of said county
which were annexed to the city of Baltimore under the provisions
of the act of 1888, chapter 98, shall be allowed to retain their re-
spective positions for the scholastic year beginning September,
1888; and such teachers shall be deemed qualified and continue
eligible without further examination to occupy positions as teachers
in the public schools, in the same manner as if they had under-