of twenty-four hours, and shall make no contract or agreement
with such employees, or any of them, providing that they or he
shall work for more than twelve hours during each or any day of
twenty-four hours.
1886, ch. 163.
766. Any corporation which shall in any manner violate any
of the provisions of the preceding section shall be deemed to
have misused or abused its corporate powers and franchises, and
the attorney general of the State, upon the application in writing,
made by any citizen of this State, accompanied by sufficient proof
of such violation, shall forthwith, without further authorization,
institute proceedings for the forfeiture of the charter of such
corporation, by petition in the name of the State, in the manner
provided by the laws of this State for the enforcement of the
forfeiture of the charter of any corporation which has abused or
misused its corporate powers or franchises.
767. If any corporation, or any officer, agent or servant of
such corporation, or any person or any firm managing or conduct-
ing any horse railway in this State, or any agent or servant of
such person or firm, shall do any act in violation of the provisions
of section 765, it, he or they shall be deemed to have been guilty
of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thereof in a court of
competent jurisdiction, be fined one hundred dollars for each
offence so committed, together with the costs, of such prosecution.
1883, ch. 229.
768. Each of the several passenger horse railway companies
in the city of Baltimore shall charge five cents, and no more, for
the conveyance of each passenger over twelve years of age, and
three cents and no more, for each child between the ages of four
and twelve years, from any point on any line of its railway to
any other point on such line within the city of Baltimore,
with a charge of three cents, and no more, for transfers.
769. The said several passenger horse railway companies shall
pay to the mayor and city council of Baltimore, a tax upon their