struction of any track of railway on and along any such street;
and may permit and cause suck alteration in the grade of such
street as may be necessary for the more convenient and useful
construction of such railway, and may levy and assess on all the
lots fronting on the street, or part of a street, or on the owners
of such lots, their just proportion of expense of such construc-
tion, and enforce the payment thereof; and the proprietor of any
lot in front of which any railway shall be so constructed, and the
just proportion of constructing which shall be paid by him, shall
be entitled at his own expense to have a convenient siding or
turnout made to enable him to have the beneficial use of said
1884, ch. 420.
763. All railroad companies whose tracks cross any street in
Baltimore city at grade, are required to place, erect and keep in
operation and repair, safety gates at all such street crossings in
said city, which said safety gates shall be closed on the approach
of any and every train of cars or locomotive, and kept closed
until the said cars or locomotive have completely passed said
street crossings.
Textor v. B & O. R. R. Co., 59 Md 63.
764. Any railroad company violating the provisions of the
foregoing section shall be liable to a fine of fifty dollars for each
crossing, and for every day on which said safety gates are ne-
glected to be erected or operated; said fine to be collected as
other fines are now collected.
1886, ch. 163.
765. No horse railway company incorporated under the laws
of this State, and no officer, agent or servant of such corporation,
and no person or firm owning or operating any line or lines of
horse railways within the limits of this State, and no agent or
servant of such firm or person shall require, permit or suffer its,
his or their conductors or drivers, or any of them, or any em-
ployees in its, his or their service, or under his, its or their
control, to work more than twelve hours during each or stay day