and tranquility may require, to order the closing temporarily of
any and all bar rooms, bars, drinking houses and liquor shops,
and all other places where liquor is usually sold in the city of
Baltimore, and forbid the selling and furnishing of liquor thereat;
and any proprietor or keeper, or any other person for such pro-
prietor or keeper, of any such drinking house, place or places, as
well as all other pkces where liquor is ususally sold, who, shall
refuse or fail to obey such order of said board of police commis-
sioners passed in pursuance thereof, or who shall sell or furnish
liquor from any such place or places, during such period as said
board shall so forbid, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and it
shall be the duty of each and every officer of police, policeman
and detective, who may be cognizant of any violation of this sec-
tion, to report the same to the grand jury of the city of Balti-
more, if in session, and if not in session, then to the next grand
jury that may be summoned for said city; and every officer of
police, policeman and detective who shall wilfully fail to make
such report shall be forthwith dismissed from his position, and
shall be forever after ineligible to any position in the police.
State v. Strauss, 49 Md. 289.
1867, ch. 367.
735. They are authorized and empowered to take pos-
session of all property heretofore by law assigned to the
former board of police, and to have and use a common,
seal; they may divide the city into such number of police
districts as they may think necessary for the public good;
and if found practicable, in addition to the station houses and
property attached thereto, which they are authorized and empow-
ered to take possession of and use, they may provide additional
station houses, with all necessary appurtenances, as may be found
needful and necessary, and such accommodations as may be
requisite for the police force; said board shall also have the use
of the fire alarm and police telegraph in the city of Baltimore,
and of all station houses, watch boxes, arms, accoutrements and
other accommodations and property provided by the city of Bal-
timore for the use and service of the police heretofore created by
any act of the corporation of said city, as fully and to the same
extent as if the same had been provided for the use of the board
created by this sub-title of this article.