ART. 4.] POLICE. 521
1867, ch. 367.
736. It shall be the duty of every officer of police, and every
policeman and detective to report to the board, and deliver to
them all property seized or found by said officers of police,
policeman or detective, immediately after the same shall have
come into their possession, which property, with the date of
delivery and description of the same, and the name of the officer,
policeman or detective depositing the same, shall be entered in
a book by the secretary, to be provided for that purpose; said
secretary shall have the custody of all such property, and shall
be held responsible for the safe delivery of the same to the
claimants, when ordered to do so in writing by the said board,
which order shall be his voucher; and any officer, policeman or
detective who shall fail or refuse for a period of twenty-four
hours to deposit all such property as aforesaid, shall be subject
to removal by the said board; and every officer, policeman or
detective who shall wilfully refuse to return all such property
as aforesaid, or shall return the same to any claimant, shall be
forthwith dismissed from office.
737. It shall be the duty of the marshal of police of the city
to make to the board of police commissioners, to be by them
certified to the clerk of the criminal court of Baltimore, on the
morning of each day, (except Sunday,) a report showing the
number of persons confined in the several station-houses of said
city for any offence indictable under the common law, or the
code of public general laws of Maryland, with the cause of their
commitment, and how many, if any, were released, and by
whom; and if any trial was had, and before whom; and the
names of the witnesses, if any, examined or present at the trial,
and the place of their residence, and if any fine and cost were
imposed; if so, how much and to whom paid.
738. No marshal of police, or any of the captains of any of
the districts or station-houses, or any one acting for or under
them, or any of them, shall release any persons committed or
confined in any of the station-houses for any felony or misde-