ART. 4.] POLICE. 519
or any committee appointed by it for that purpose; and it
shall be the duty of the said board to report to the general
assembly at each regular session, or as may hereafter be directed
by said general assembly, the number and expense of'the police
force employed by them under this sub-title of this article, and all
such other matters as may be of public interest in connection
with the duties assigned to them; and said books, journals and
other documents, and the vouchers for all payments by said board
of police commissioners shall at all times be open to the inspection
of the mayor and register of the city of Baltimore, and either of
them; and it shall be the duty of the comptroller of the city of
Baltimore to examine all bills and accounts presented by said
board of police commissioners and the vouchers therefor.
1867, ch. 867.
733. The treasurer of the board of police commissioners,
before entering upon the duties of his office as such treasurer,
shall, in addition to the bond given as commissioner, enter into
bond to the State of Maryland, with one or more sureties in the
penalty of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful dis-
charge of the duties imposed upon him as treasurer, and the
faithful application and payment over, pursuant to the order and
direction of the said board, of all moneys which may come into
his hands as such treasurer; and shall, every six months, on the
first day of January and July, in each and every year during his
continuance in office, render to his associates in said board, a true
and faithful account of the receipts and disbursements of all
moneys received and disbursed by him by order of the said board,
with the vouchers thereof during said period, which accounts
shall be verified by the affidavit of said treasurer; and the said
board shall thereupon examine said account, and if they find the
same to be correct, they shall certify said account, and forward
the same to the governor of the State, to be filed in the office of
the secretary of State; the said board shall retain a copy thereof,
with their certificate attached, to be filed among the papers of
their office.
734. The said board of police commissioners are authorized
and empowered, whenever in their judgment the public peace