pay; the said board shall have power to require of any police-
man, officer of police or detective, bond with sureties, when they
may consider it demanded by the public interest; all lawful rules
and regulations of the board shall be obeyed by the policemen,
officers of police and detectives, on pain of dismissal or such
lighter punishment as may be prescribed by the said board; and
the said board shall have power to suspend from duty, fine or
forfeit the pay of any officer or policeman, or suspend any rule
or regulation made and adopted by them.
1867, ch. 867.
731. No officer of police, policeman or detective shall be
allowed to receive any money as a gratuity or extra compensation
for any services he may render, without the consent of the, said
board; and all such moneys as any officer of police, policeman
and detective may be so permitted to receive shall be paid over
to the said board, and together with the proceeds of all fines, for-
feitures, penalties and unclaimed property which may come into
the possession of the said board, or be recovered by them under
the provisions of this sub-title of this article, or any other law,
shall form a fund which the board may apply towards the allow-
ances of officers of police, policemen and detectives and their
families, as hereinbefore authorized, and for extra pay to such
members of the force as by gallantry and good conduct on extra-
ordinary occasions they may be judged to merit; and any officer
of police, policeman or detective who shall directly or indirectly,
in violation of this section, receive any moneys as a gratuity or
extra compensation, and shall fail to deliver the same to the
board for the purposes hereinbefore provided, and shall apply
the same to his own use, shall be forthwith dismissed, and be for-
ever after ineligible to any position in the force.
1874, ch. 146.
732. The board of police commissioners shall cause to be kept
by their secretary, a full report of their proceedings, and. also
cause all their receipts and disbursements of money to be faith-
fully entered in books to be provided for that purpose; and said
books, journals and all other documents in the possession of said
board, shall always be open to inspection by the general assembly,