ART. 4.] POLICE. 517
existing in said city, as they may see fit, to aid them in prevent-
ing threatened disorder or opposition to the laws, or in suppress-
ing insurrection, riot or disorder on election days, and at all other
times; and it shall be the duty of said military force so called
out, to obey such orders as may be given them by said board;
whenever the exigency or circumstances may in their judgment
warrant it, the said board shall have the power to assume the
control and command of all conservators of the peace in the city
of Baltimore, whether sheriffs, constables, police or others, and
they shall act under the orders of the said board, and not other-
wise ; and in case of the refusal of the said sheriff, or any police-
man, constable or other peace officer or persons, to obey any
lawful command of said board under the provisions of this sec-
tion, they shall, respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor and pun-
ishable as in such cases made and provided; and any officer of
any military force in the city of Baltimore, organized under any
law now existing, or which may hereafter be enacted by the gen-
eral assembly of this State, who, upon being called on by the
said board as aforesaid, shall refuse or wilfully fail to call out the
force under his command, or to obey the orders of the said board,
or to enforce by all lawful means the performance of the duties
to said force assigned, and any inferior officer or private who
shall refuse or wilfully fail to obey the orders of his superior
officer in such behalf, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and pun-
ishable as in such cases made and provided.
1867, ch. 367.
730. Whenever a vacancy shall take place in any grade of
officers, (except the marshal and deputy-marshal,) it shall be filled
from the next lowest grade, if competent men can be found
therein; the board of police commissioners are authorized to
make all such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this
sub-title of this article, as they may judge necessary for the
appointment and employment, uniforming, discipline, trial and
government of the police and detectives, and for the relief and
compensation of the members of the police injured in person and
property in the discharge of their duty, and the families of men
or officers killed while in its performance; provided, that the
allowance in any one instance shall not exceed twelve months'