of Baltimore, in such sum as they may deem advisable for the
amount of such requisitions, respectively, bearing interest at six
per cent, per annum, payable at not more than twelve months
after date, and signed by a majority of said board, and to raise
the money on said certificates by pledging or disposing of the
same; which certificates shall be receivable at par in payment of
city taxes, and be as binding on said corporation and as recover-
able against it as if the mayor and city council of Baltimore had
themselves issued the same; and the mayor and city council of Balti-
more shall have no power or authority to levy or collect any tax or
appropriate any money for the payment of any police force other
than that organized and employed under this sub-title of this
article; and no officer or other employee of the said mayor and
city council shall disburse any money therefor; and the power
of said mayor and city council to levy and collect taxes and ap-
propriate and disburse money for the payment of the police force
organized and employed under this sub-title of this article shall
be exercised as herein directed, and not otherwise; and in case
the amount so as aforesaid to be estimated by the said board shall
from any cause prove insufficient for the necessary expenses for
the current year, the said board is authorized and empowered to
issue certificates and raise money therefrom, as hereinbefore pro-
vided, to meet the said exigency; provided, however, that no
additional issue shall exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars in
any one year, and that the amount thereof shall be added to the
estimate, assessment and levy for the year next ensuing, and that
said certificates shall not be made payable at an earlier day than
twelve months from the date of their issue, but may be receivable
in payment of city taxes at any time they may be so presented.
Mayor, &c. v. Poultney, 25 Md, 18.
1867, ch. 367.
729. It shall be the duty of the sheriff of Baltimore city,
whenever called on for that purpose by said board, to act under
their control for the preservation of the public peace and quiet,
and if ordered by them so to do, he shall summon the posse com-
itatus for that purpose, and hold and employ such posse, subject
to their discretion in case the said board shall deem it necessary;
they shall call out such military force, lawfully organized or