ART. 4.] POLICE. 515
appointed as aforesaid, shall be twelve dollars per week, to be
paid at the same time and in the same manner as the other officers
of said police force are paid.
1874, ch. 458.
727. They are authorized, empowered and directed to select
some suitable person to act as clerk to the marshal of police
for said city, at a salary of twenty-five dollars per week, payable
semi-monthly; and the said clerk before entering upon the duties
of his office shall enter into bond to the State of Maryland
in the penalty of two thousand dollars, conditioned for the
faithful discharge of his duties as such clerk, the said bond
to be approved by them.
1867, ch. 367.
728. It shall be their duty to estimate annually what sum
of money will be necessary for each current fiscal year to en-
able them to discharge the duty imposed on them, and they
shall forthwith certify the same to the mayor and city council
of Baltimore, who are required, without delay, specifically to
assess and levy such amount as shall be sufficient to raise the
same clear of all expenses and discounts upon all the assess-
able property in the city of Baltimore, and to cause the same
to be collected as all other city taxes; and it is made the duty
of the collector of the city of Baltimore, and he is required
to collect said tax, to be denominated the police tax; and the
said board of police commissioners, upon and after qualifying
as such, are authorized to make requisitions from time to time
upon the comptroller of the city of Baltimore, or other proper
disbursing officer of the corporation, for such sums of money as
they may from time to time deem necessary for the purpose of
carrying out the objects and intentions of this sub-title of this
article; provided, the same shall not exceed in any one year the
amount so as aforesaid certified, or which may thereafter be cer-
tified for that year, to the mayor and city council aforesaid; and
in case the said disbursing officer shall not forthwith pay over the
amount of each requisition as made, it shall be the duty of the
said board, and they are authorized and required to issue certifi-
cates of indebtedness, in the name of the mayor and city council