hundred and twenty men, which force may be increased at any
time, if in the opinion of the board the public peace shall re-
quire, to any number, and for such period of time as they may
think proper, by the appointment of special policemen, who shall
receive the sum of two dollars and fifty cents per day for their.
services; the period of appointment in the regular police force
shall be four years, unless sooner removed for official misconduct
and inefficiency, of which the said board of police commissioners
shall determine; and the qualifications for the position of officers
of police, or policemen, or detectives, shall be good moral
character, sobriety, citizenship of the United States, ability to
read and write, and physical strength and courage; no .person
who has been convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary, shall
be eligible to the position of officer of police, policeman, detective
or special policeman; the pay of an ordinary policeman shall be
eighteen dollars per week, payable semi-monthly, and in case the
board shall appoint detective policemen, and they are hereby
authorized and empowered to do so, if they shall think fit, to the
number of ten, said detectives shall receive the sum of twenty-
three dollars per week, payable semi-monthly, and shall, not be
allowed to follow any business or profession, but shall, devote
their time to the discharge of their duties as detectives; the
officers of police shall be paid semi-monthly, and their pay shall
be as follows: The marshal shall receive two thousand five
hundred dollars per annum; the deputy marshal shall receive
two thousand dollars per annum; each captain shall receive thirty
dollars per week; each lieutenant, twenty-five dollars per week;
each sergeant, twenty dollars per week; and each turnkey, eigh-
teen dollars per week; the pay herein provided for police officers,
policemen and detectives shall continue in force until a change
shall be made by law. They are authorized and empowered to
appoint twenty additional officers, who shall be known as proba-
tion officers, who shall hold their places without a commission
until vacancies shall occur in the regular force, when they shall
be appointed to such vacancies in the order of their appointment
on die probationary list; provided, that at the time of said
vacancy they shall in the judgment of the board of police com-
missioners be fully competent in all respects to be commissioned
for the full term of four years; the pay of said officers, so