ART. 4.] POLICE. 513
or of violating any law of the State beyond the limits of the city,
upon the Chesapeake bay, or on any river, creek, inlet,
water-course, or other place on land or water within the State of
Maryland, it shall be the duty of the said board of police com-
missioners to cause such person to be followed, and to take the
most efficient means for the suppression and prevention of such
outrage, when any such shall be attempted, and to cause the
arrest of all such offenders; provided, however, that if any crime
be actually committed by such person, the offender shall be
delivered to the proper jurisdiction for trial and punishment;
any person charged with the commission of crime in the city of
Baltimore, and against whom criminal process shall have issued,
may be arrested upon the same in any part of the State by the
police force created under this sub-title of this article, under such
rules and regulations as the board of police commissioners may
adopt; and the said board shall have power to administer oaths
or affirmations in the premises to any person appearing or called
before them, and shall also have the power of administering
oaths or affirmations and summoning witnesses before them
whenever it may be necessary for the more effectual discharge of
their duties.
Mitchell v. Lemon, 34 Md. 176. Roddy v. Finnegan, 43 Md. 490.
1886, ch. 186. 1888, ch. 600. 1888, ch. 98, sec. 24. 1888, ch. 303.
726. The said board of police commissioners are authorized
and required, immediately on entering on the duties of their
office, to appoint, enroll and employ a permanent police force for
the city of Baltimore, which they shall arm and equip as they
may judge necessary, under such rules and regulations as they
may from time to time prescribe; and the said board shall have
power to remove any police officer or officers of police, or any
detective, for the violation of any rule or regulation which they
may make and promulgate to said police force, officers of police
or detectives; said force shall consist of one marshal and one
deputy marshal of police of the city, and one captain, two lien-
tenants, two turnkeys and one clerk at each station house, who
shall receive a salary of eighteen dollars per week, and such
number of sergeants as said board of police in their judgment
may deem necessary for each police district in said city, and six