1873, ch. 251.
276. All elections shall be held and conducted as shall, from
time to time, be directed by the by-laws of the corporation, not
contrary to this charter.
277. If, during the year for which they were elected, the
burgess or assistant burgess, or any of the commissioners shall
die, resign, or remove from the town, be non compos mentis, or
displaced, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held after ten
days' public notice, and all persons qualified to vote at a regular
election may vote at such special election.
278. The person or persons who shall receive the highest
number of votes for the respective offices voted for, shall be
declared duly elected; and if at any election any two or more
persons shall receive an equal number or votes, by which no
choice shall be made, a second election shall be held, after not
less than ten days' public notice, and so on until a choice is had.
1876, ch 86.
279. -The burgess and assistant burgess and commissioners
shall each qualify as such before a justice of the peace of Wash-
ington county, by making oath that they will discharge the duties
of their respective offices according to the best of their skill and
judgment, without fear, favor or partiality, a copy of which oath,
with a certificate of the justice administering the same, shall be
entered upon the journal of proceedings of the corporation; but
if they, or either of the officers elected shall fail to qualify within
ten days after the election, the person or persons so elected and
failing to qualify shall be deemed as having declined to accept
the same, and an election shall thereupon be held as provided for
in section 277; and the burgess and assistant burgess shall con-
tinue in office until their successors shall be elected and duly
qualified, and the commissioners shall continue in office until a
majority of their successors shall be elected and duly qualified.
1878, ch. 251.
280. The burgess and commissioners so elected may meet
from time to time, and not less than once in every three months;