cents; for every release, twenty-five cents; for taking recogni-
zances in each case reported to the circuit court, twenty-five cents
each; for each attachment for contempt, twenty-five cents.
1884, ch. 510.
272. The aforesaid fees of said constables and justices for said
counties shall be taxed against and paid by the party against whom
judgment shall be rendered, unless he or she be discharged there-
from by due course of law; if such party against whom judg-
ment is rendered is unable to pay the same, such fees shall be
paid by the county wherein said judgment was rendered; and all
fines and penalties received by any justice under the provisions
of section 270, shall be accounted for and wholly paid without
abatement or deduction therefrom by such justice, to the county
commissioners of the county wherein they are collected, for the
use of said county; and no part of any fine or penalty enforced or
collected under said section shall be paid to any informer.
1872, ch 251.
273. The citizens of Keedysville, in "Washington county, are
a body corporate, by the name of " The Burgess and Commis-
sioners of Keedysville," and by that name may sue and be sued,
and have and use a common seal.
274. The bounds of said town shall be as follows: beginning
at a county road running between the land of Frisby Doup and
Samuel Wagoner, and extending five hundred yards on both sides
of the turnpike road running from Boonsboro to Sharpsburg, to a
certain road leading to Samuel Poy's mill.
275. The male citizens of Keedysville, of the age of twenty-
one years and upwards, who have resided in said town for six
months next preceding the election, shall elect by ballot, on the
first Saturday in May in each year, a burgess, assistant burgess
and three commissioners, having in all respects the same qualifica-
tions as the voters.