and the burgess shall preside at all meetings, and in case of tie
shall give the casting vote; and in his absence the assistant
burgess shall preside, under the same restrictions, but when the
burgess is present the assistant burgess shall have the same power
as a commissioner.
1872, ch. 251.
281. They may appoint a clerk and assign his duties and allow
him such compensation as they may think proper.
282. The said clerk shall enter all ordinances passed by the
burgess and commissioners, in a book to be kept by him for that
purpose, which shall at all times be open to the inspection of all
persons interested, and copies of all ordinances shall be put up in
the most public places of said town.
283. The said burgess and commissioners may by ordinances
direct all or any of the footways in said town to be laid out,,
levelled, mended, and repaired with any material they shall think
best, at the expense of the proprietors of the different lots in
front of which such levelling and paving shall be done...
284. If any owner of any house or lot or part of a lot where
such paving or repairing shall be directed to be done, shall not
reside in said town, the tenant or person occupying the said
house, lot or part of a lot, or who shall have the care thereof
shall cause the same to be done; and the money expended
thereon by the direction of the said burgess and commissioners
shall be allowed by the owner, and deducted from the rent due
or to become due; and if the tenant or person having the care of
such house, lot, or part of a lot, shall refuse or neglect to repair or
pave such footway, such work may be done by the burgess and
commissioners, and the expenses and costs may be recovered by
a distress and sale of such property.
285. They may open and lay out streets, lanes and alleys
within the limits of said town whenever a majority of the owners