ART. 22.] HAGERSTOWN. 1973
their proceedings, and shall perform such duties as may be re-
quired of him; and it shall be the duty of the said board of
street commissioners to report every three months, to the mayor
and council, an itemized account of all moneys expended by
1884, ch. 58.
184. Whenever the mayor and council shall direct any street,
highway, lane, alley, square, drain or water-course within the
limits of the town to be laid out, opened, extended, widened,
straightened or closed up, in whole or in part, the board of street
commissioners shall give at least ten days' notice in one or more
newspapers of the town, of their purpose to lay out, open, extend,
widen, straighten or close up the street, highway, lane, alley,
square, drain or water-course so directed to be laid out, opened,
extended, widened, straightened or closed up, and of the day,
hour and place of their meeting for said purpose; and the said
board of street commissioners shall meet at the time and place
mentioned in the notice given by them, and proceed to exercise
the powers and perform the duty assigned to and required of
them, and to ascertain whether any, and what amount in value of
damages will be caused thereby, for which the owner or occu-
pant of any right or interest claimed in any ground or improve-
ments ought to be compensated, over and above the amount in
value of benefit which will thereby accrue to such owner or occu-
pant, and ascertain what amount of benefit will thereby accrue to
any lot or parcel of ground within or adjacent to said town, or to
the owner or occupant thereof, and which said lot or parcel of
ground, or the owner or occupant, ought to pay.
185. Whenever the board of street commissioners shall have
proceeded to execute the powers conferred in the preceding sec-
tion, they shall have prepared an explanatory map, which shall
contain a correct description of the street, highway, lane, alley,
square, drain or water-course so laid out, opened, extended, widened,
straightened or closed up by them, with each separate lot or
parcel of ground deemed to have sustained damages or received
benefits, and shall give at least ten days' notice in one or more
newspapers of the town, that they will meet at a time and place
mentioned in said notice, to determine the amount of damages to