affirm,) that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties
of policeman of Hagerstown, without fear, favor or partiality."
The policemen so appointed for the enforcement of the ordi-
nances of the town and the preservation of its peace and good
order, shall have all the powers of constables; and any person
resisting a policeman in the discharge of his duty, shall be liable,
upon conviction, to punishment in the same manner and to the
same extent as if he had resisted a constable; and any policeman
so appointed, who shall be guilty of official misconduct, shall be
proceeded against by presentment and indictment in the circuit
court for Washington county, and if found guilty, shall be fined
or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the court.
1884, ch. 58.
182. The mayor and council shall have power to provide for
laying out, opening, extending, widening, straightening or closing
up, in whole or in part, any street, highway, square, lane, alley,
drain or any water-course within the bounds of said town, which,
in their opinion, public convenience may require.
183. There shall be three street commissioners; and before
the first regular meeting of the mayor and council in February,
the mayor, with the advice and consent of council, shall annually
appoint one street commissioner to serve for the term of three
years from the first Monday in March next succeeding the date
of his appointment; the said commissioners, before entering upon
the discharge of their duties, shall take the oath prescribed for
town officers, and shall receive no compensation for their services;
and one of said street commissioners shall be of a different polit-
ical party from the other two; in case of a vacancy, the mayor,
with the advice and consent of the council, shall appoint a suc-
cessor to serve out the unexpired term; the said commissioners,
or a majority of them, when qualified, shall constitute a board to
be known as the board of street commissioners, for the perform-
ance of the duties imposed upon them, and they shall continue in
office until their successors are respectively appointed and quali-
fied ; they shall elect one of their number as president, and the
clerk of the mayor and council shall be clerk of the board of
street commissioners; he shall keep a full and true record of all