forty-eight and three-quarters degrees, east thirteen hundred and
sixty feet, to the west margin of the Washington county railroad,
and thirty-three feet distant from the middle thereof; thence
along said railroad, and thirty-three feet distant from the centre-
line thereof, south ten and one-half degrees, west twenty-two
hundred and twenty feet; thence crossing said railroad, south
fifty-eight and one-half degrees, east one hundred and fifteen feet,
to the middle of the Hagerstown and Sharpsburg turnpike, and
at the end of the second line of this survey; then, reversing the
second and first lines of this survey, north thirty-one and one-half
degrees, east fifteen hundred and eighty-two feet, north three
degrees, east four hundred and eighty-three feet, to the beginning
stone marked "H;" provided, however, that for sanitary and
police purposes, the mayor and council of Hagerstown shall have
and exercise full power and control for a distance of one-half mile
in every direction from said corporate limits.
1884, ch. 58.
155. The said town is divided into five wards, the bounds and
limits of which are defined to be as follows: for ward number
one: commencing in the centre of the public square and running
along the middle of Washington street, westwardly two hundred
and seventy-six feet; thence southward through the middle of an
alley, two hundred and seventy-six feet; thence westward along
the middle of an alley to the middle of Prospect street; thence
southward thirty-seven feet; thence westward through the middle
of an alley to the middle of Walnut street; thence along the mid-
dle of Walnut street northeastwardly to the middle of Washing-
ton street; thence along the middle of Washington street and
Washington street extended to the western boundary of the town;
thence northward with the boundary of the town eight hundred
and fifty-one feet; thence eastward along the boundary of the
town four hundred and ten feet; thence northward along the
boundary of the town two hundred and eighty feet; thence south-
eastward by a straight line to the mouth of an alley; thence
along the middle of said alley north of Washington street east-
ward to the alley running from Washington street to Franklin
street along the east side of the Baldwin house; thence northward
along the middle of the last-mentioned alley to the middle of
Franklin street; thence along the middle of Franklin street to