-quarter degrees, east fifty-eight and one-half perches to a stone,
being the northeast corner of the town extended; thence west
two hundred and twenty-nine and two-fifths perches to a stone,
for the northwest corner; thence south two hundred perches to a
stone, for the southwest corner; thence east two hundred and
forty-eight and three-fifths perches to a stone, for the southeast
corner; thence north one hundred and eighteen perches to a
stone; thence thirteen and one-half degrees west, eighty-four
perches to the place of beginning, as per plat and survey of
lines for the extension of the said town, made by James M.
Tharp, surveyor, the twenty-eighth day of January, eighteen
hundred and eighty.
1880, ch. 356.
43. The plat and survey of the limits extended of the said
town shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit
court for Talbot county.
44. The commissioners of Easton have full power and author-
ity to assess, levy and collect, within said additional limits, any
and all legal taxes whatever.
1868, ch. 279.
45. Said commissioners shall be three in number, and shall
be elected for a term of three years; one commissioner shall be
elected every year, and they shall receive a per diem, of not ex-
ceeding two dollars for every meeting they shall actually attend.
46. The male inhabitants of Easton, above the age of twenty-
one years, who have resided in said town for one year next pre-
ceding the election, and all male persons of the age aforesaid, not
residents of said town, who have a freehold estate or leasehold
property for a term exceeding twenty-one years, within said town,
shall elect by ballot on the first Monday of May in each year, at
the court-house in said town, one judicious and discreet person
residing in said town, commissioner in the place of the one whose
term of office has expired.