172. License, by whom issued; who
may take ont, charge for, what
authorized by; possession of
oysters; effect as evidence, ves-
sels over ten tons burthen, num-
ber to be shown by vessel,
waters of Pocomoke river and
sound, license not transferable
173. Oath required of applicant
174. Violations; penalty, proceedings;
money arising from licenses and
fines', how applied.
175. Acquittal, costs of defence to be
176. Warrant, when, by whom and to
whom issued, use of force in
making arrest.
177. Clerk's fee for issuing license
178. Clerk to pay over money arising
from fines and licenses, to school
board, before first Monday in
June, bond liable.
179. Culling.
180. Manokin river, where unlawful
to catch oysters in
181. Violation of section 180, penalty.
182. Violation of section 180, proceed-
183. Fines to be paid to school board.
184. Sale of boat unlawfully used,
185. Duty of sheriff, constable and
officers of State fishery force,
hearing of case against the boat
in case of non appearance of
owner, appeal.
186. In Pocomoke sound, oysters to be
taken with tongs only.
187. Violation of section 186, penalty.
188. Warrant for arrest.
189. When to be heard; bail; appeal.
190. In Wicomico river.
191. In Great Annamessex river.
192. Violation of section 191; penalty.
193 Violations of section 191, pro-
ceedings, appeal
194 Jurisdiction of justices of the
195. Duty of sheriff, constables, and
officers of State fishery force.
196. Fines, how applied.
Princess Anne.
197 Citizens a body corporate; corpo-
rate name, powers, seal.
198. Election of commissioners
199. When and where held, judges of
election; oath
200. Returns
201. Commissioners, oath; term of
office, vacancies, how filled.
202. Commissioners; meetings, powers.
203. Bailiff and clerk; appointment
and pay.
204. Bailiff, powers, bond.
205. Tax.
206. President, temporary chairman.
207. Assessment.
208. Violations of ordinances.
209. Limits of town
210. Commissioners' statement to be
Publication of Laws.
211. Not necessary to publish in all
county newspapers, local lawa.
Register of Wills.
212. Power to pass accounts.
Revenue and Taxes.
213. Collection districts.
214. Collector, appointment; bonds.
215. Collector; duties.
216. Collector, pay.
217. Clerk, appointment, duties; pay.
218. Clerk; term of office; bond.
219. Copy of assessment, tax rate, and
amount to be collected by him,
to be given each collector.
220. Taxes; when due, discounts.