Justices of the Peace and Con-
132. Number for each election dis-
133. Judgments of justices, record of;
legal effect
134. Judgments of justices; record;
index; clerk's fee.
135. Justices; jurisdiction; jury trial.
136. Fees.
137. Costs, by whom paid; money
arising from fines and penalties,
how applied.
Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks.
138. In election districts numbers one,
three, six, seven, eight, ten and
139. In Dame's Quarter district and
St Peter's district.
140. Section 139 not to apply to sales
for medical or mechanical pur-
poses, or of cider, beer or home
made wines.
141. In Mount Vernon district.
142. What shall be deemed sale for
medical purposes.
143. Drinking on premises where sold
in election district number four.
144. Tangier district.
145. Boundaries of Tangier district
for purposes of section 144.
146. Violations of section 144; pen-
147. Violations of section 144; pro-
ceedings before justice of the
148. Sheriff, deputy; constable; duty.
149. Refusal to perform duties re-
quired by section 148, penalty.
150. Appeal.
151. Removal from Tangier district to
Dame's Quarter district.
152. Violators of section 144, liable to
indictment in circuit court, or
trial before justice, not to be
twice prosecuted.
153. St Peter's district; sale of beer
and home-made wines.
154. 8t. Peter's district; license to sell
beer or home-made wines not
to be issued.
Little Annemessex Rivei.
155. Obstructions to navigation; pen-
alty; vessels injured while lying
at anchor.
156. Obstructing, unlawful.
157 Penalty.
168. Persons in service of vessel own-
ers to be instructed; liability of
' owner.
159. Justice of peace to issue warrant
and hear case.
160 Fines and costs to be accounted
for by justice.
161. Informer, when entitled to part
of fine
162. Weirs, when to be removed.
163. Obstructing bottom of harbor or
anchoring ground; penalty.
164. Fine; one-half to informer, one-
half to school fund.
Notary Pnblic.
165. Governor authorized to appoint.
Officers' Fees.
166. When to be collected and paid
over by sheriff.
167. When and to whom granted.
168. Taking, for purpose of manuring
land, unlawful.
169. Purchase for manure, unlawful.
170. Penalty.
171. Citizens may catch, upon obtain-
ing license.