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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 1733   View pdf image (33K)
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1878, ch. 218.

7. The said commissioners are authorized and directed to ap-
point, annually, a physician for said almshouse, and to allow him
such compensation as they may deem proper; and it shall be the
duty of said physician to give information to said commissioners
whenever they may require it, or he may deem it necessary, of
the condition of said almshouse and the mode of treatment of the
inmates therein.


8. The said commissioners are authorized to make any rules
and by-laws that may be necessary and proper for the preserva-
tion of order and good government in said almshouse.


1878, ch. 77.

9. It shall be unlawful for any person, at any time, to shoot,
trap or otherwise kill or injure, or pursue with such intent, any of
the following named birds, within the limits of St. Mary's county,
viz: mocking-bird, blue-bird, robin, oriole, thrush, swallow, mar-
tin, lark, red-bird, cat-bird, wren, sparrow, whippoorwill, pewit,

goldfinch, sap-sucker, hanging-bird, jay-bird or woodpecker; pro-
vided, that robins may be shot from and after the first day of
October until the first day of March, in each year; and it shall be
unlawful for any person knowingly and unnecessarily to destroy

or disturb the eggs or nests of any of the above named birds.


10. The possession by any person within the county, of any of
the said birds, shot, killed or in anywise destroyed, or of any eggs

of such birds, shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of the
preceding section.


11. Any person violating section 9, upon conviction thereof
before any justice of the peace of said county, shall forfeit and
pay to the said justice of the peace, the sum of two dollars for

every bird so killed or destroyed, and for every nest so disturbed,
robbed or broken up, together with costs of prosecution; and
one-half of said forfeit or fine shall be paid to the informer and


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 1733   View pdf image (33K)
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