1734 ST. MARY'S COUNTY. [ART. 19.
the other half to the treasurer of the county school commissioners,
for the use of the public schools of the county; and if any offen-
der, after conviction under said section, shall refuse to pay the
fine herein imposed, he shall be committed to the county jail, for
each and every such offence, for not less than five nor more than
ten days, in the discretion of the justice so committing; provided,
however, that such conviction shall be within sixty days after the
1876, ch. 77.
12. It shall be the duty of all constables and bailiffs of the
county to arrest all persons whom they may see or have know-
ledge of violating section 9, and take them before the nearest
justice of the peace, to be dealt with as directed in section 11.
13. The several justices of the peace for St. Mary's county are-
required to report on the first day of January and July in each
year to the board of county school commissioners, the amount of
all fines or penalties imposed by them under the four preceding
sections, and to pay over to the treasurer of said school board one-
half of all money received by them arising from said fines; and.
if any justice of the peace shall fail to so report and pay over all
money so received by him, he shall, for such default, be reported
by the county school commissioners to the governor of the State,
and shall be removed by him from office; and a justice of the
peace so removed shall be ineligible for any office of profit or
trust under the laws of this State, until full payment shall have-
been made of all money so received by him.
1876, ch. 128.
14. It shall not be lawful for any person in St. Mary's county,
to shoot, kill or in any manner take, trap, encage, barter or sell
any English mocking-birds, old or young, or wilfully destroy the
eggs or nests of said birds.
15. The possession by any person in said county of any such
bird, or bird's eggs, shall be prima facie evidence of a violation
of the preceding section.