1732 ST. MARY'S COUNTY. [ART. 19
deem fit, and at the same time shall contract with said tenant,
who shall be styled the keeper of the almshouse, upon such terms
and conditions as they may deem reasonable and proper for the
maintenance and support of the inmates of said almshouse for the
period of one year, commencing from the first day of January
1878, ch. 216.
3. Any one of the county commissioners may, in writing,
direct the admission of any poor person to said almshouse.
4. Any justice of the peace for said county may cause to be-
apprehended, and commit to the said almshouse, any vagrants,
vagabonds, beggars and other idle, dissolute and disorderly per-
sons found loitering or residing in said county, who follow no-
trade or occupation, and have no visible means of subsistence,
there to be kept at hard labor for any term not exceeding three'
months; and the said keeper shall receive and employ them ac-
cording to the tenor of the'r commitment.
5. If any person shall sell or dispose of any strong drink to
the inmates of said almshouse, he shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon indictment and conviction thereof shall
forfeit and pay the sum of twenty-five dollars, one-half to the
informer and the other half to the county commissioners, for the
use of said almshouse.
6. Upon complaint made by the keeper of said almshouse be-
fore any justice of the peace of said county, that any vagrant,
vagabond or other idle, dissolute and disorderly person thereto
committed and therein remaining, has behaved himself in a dis-
orderly manner, or has neglected and refused to perform his.
daily labor and task, or neglected and refused to obey and keep
any of the rules and by-laws of said almshouse, the said justice
may cause such person to be brought before him, and if satisfied
of the truth of the charge, may commit him to the county jail
for a period not exceeding three months.