25. Fer centum allowed.
County Commissioners.
26. Number of.
27. Report by, to grand jury, when to
be made, and what to contain.
28. Duty of grand jury.
29. Report, presentment and order of
court thereon to be filed with
clerk of circuit court, duty of
30. Authorized to insure public build-
ings, what company preferred.
31. Treasurer, election and term of.
32. Bond and duties of.
33. Clerk, appointment and bond of.
34. St. Mary's county exempted from
operation of public general
laws, relating to.
Cruelty to Animals.
36. Bull baiting, cock and dog fight-
ing, maltreating animals, un-
lawful, penalty.
36. St. Mary's county exempted from
operation of sections 157-162 of
article 81 of code of public gen-
eral laws, relating to.
Election Districts.
37. Number and bounds of.
38. Purchasers may pledge growing
crops for price of, such pledge
to be preferred lien.
39. Pledge to be recorded; personal
representative of deceased pur-
chaser to pay to vendor pro-
ceeds of crops pledged.
40. Sheriff or constable, npon execu-
tion, to first pay to pledgee
amount of pledge.
41. Vendor to have right to proceed to
enforce his claim before justice
of the peaqe, proceedings.
42. Landlord's claim for rent for one
year, to be preferred to such
43. Remedy of vendor omitting to se-
cure such pledge.
44. Where unlawful for non-residents
to haul seines.
45. When unlawful to haul seines of
more than eighty fathoms in
46. Violation of two preceding sec-
tions, penalty.
47. Warrant of justice of the peace
for violation of sections 44 and
45, constables and sheriffs to
arrest persons violating said
48. Arrest of offenders by citizens.
49. Sale of property seized for viola-
tion of sections 44 and 45; ap-
peal allowed.
50. Notice to owner before sale of
property seized, what to con-
51. Proceeds of such sales, how dis-
Inns and Taverns.
52. County commissioners to establish
rates of
Justices of the Peace and Con-
53. Number of
54. Additional jurisdiction of justices.
55. Fees of.
56. Fees of, by whom to be paid.