Landlord and Tenant.
67. Letting on shares, provisions con-
58 Supersedeas in distraint for rent.
59. Citizens of, a body corporate, cor-
porate name, general powers
60. Qualification of voters in, election
of five commissioners
61. Elections, how to be held
62. Oath of commissioners, certificate
to be recorded
63. Meetings of, president, appoint-
ment and duties of
64. Vacancies in, how filled.
65. Failure to hold election at speci-
fied time not to work forfeiture
of charter.
66. Limits of
67. Clerk, appointment and duties of.
68. Limit to rate of taxation, new as-
69. Appeal from decision of assessor.
70 Powers of commissioners, trial of
persons violating by-laws and
71. Who may enforce collection of
72. What ordinances commissioners
authorized to pass.
73. Bailiff and collector, appointment,
oath and bond of.
74 Duties of
75. Treasurer of corporation, appoint-
ment, bond and duties of.
76. Application of fines and forfeitures
imposed by commissioners.
77. Compensation of commissioners.
78 Corporation not to issue currency.
79 Pleadings by persons killing swine
going at large in
80. Percentage to owners of, for grind-
ing corn or rye.
81. Persons taking more than legal
percentage, penalty.
82. Number of, and limit to amount
paid to.
83. Where and when unlawful to
catch, in water less than sixteen
feet deep, exception.
84. Warrant of justice for arrest of
violators of preceding section,
and seizure of property used in
such violation
85 Proceedings before justice upon
return of warrant
86. Appeal allowed from decision of
justices; what bond to stay exe-
cution necessary
87. When unlawful to employ boats
to catch, with scoops, drags or
88. Violation of preceding section;
89 Warrant of justice for arrest of
violators of section 87.
90. Such case, when to be heard, ap-
peal allowed.
91 Where unlawful for non-residents
to catch, without a license, li-
cense, issuing of, what to con-
tain, penalty
92. Cost of tonger's license, proceeds,
how applied, when unlawful to
catch, penalty
93. Duties of licensed tongers, pen-
94. Warrant of judge of circuit court
or justice of the peace, for arrest
of offenders against provisions
of sections 87-93 of this sub-
title, proceedings upon return
of warrant.
95. Appeal allowed from decisions of
justices under said sections of
this sub-title; appeal bond and
notice required.
96 Fines imposed under provisions of
the nine preceding sections,
how divided.