1888, ch. 188.
86. The said sum of twenty thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary for this purpose, shall be, by the
said commissioners of Centreville, used and applied exclusively
to the payment of the costs and expenses of erecting, building,
working, running, maintaining and keeping in repair water-works,
and the plant for the same, for the town of Centreville, as the
said commissioners may order and direct.
87. The said commissioners of Centreville are authorized,
empowered and required, in each and every year, to levy and
collect a special tax, not exceeding ten cents on every one hundred
dollars worth of taxable property of all kinds and descriptions,
within the corporate limits of the town of Centreville, to pay the
interest on said bunds, as the same shall fall due, and to gradu-
ally redeem and retire such bonds until they shall all have been
redeemed and retired, and the proceeds of such tax shall be col-
lected by the said commissioners, and forthwith by them applied
to the redemption of said bonds, when and as soon as they shall
become redeemable; and the said taxes are hereby inviolably
dedicated to the payment of the interest and principal of said
bonds; and the said commissioners may cause an assessment and
valuation of all property, of all kinds and descriptions, within the
corporate limits of said town, to be made, between the first day
of April and the first day of May, in each and every year, for the
purpose of gratifying the provisions of sections 84 to 88; and
any person feeling himself aggrieved by an assessment or valua-
tion of his property, so assessed or valued for the purposes of
said sections, may appeal to the circuit court for Queen Anne's
county, at any time within thirty days after he has received notice
in writing of such assessment or valuation.
88. The commissioners are authorized to negotiate, sell or
dispose of said bonds, or as many thereof as they shall deem
proper, and with the proceeds thereof to erect, or provide for the
erection, building, working, running, maintaining and keeping in
repair, of said water-works. And they are furthermore fully