ART. 18.] CHURCH HILL. 1673
authorized to make all.necessary rules and regulations, and to
pass all necessary ordinances, with penalties for their violation,
and to do all other necessary acts for the proper managing, main-
taining, running and repairing of said water-works, and for the
proper protection and security thereof.
1876, ch. 201.
89. The citizens of the town of Church Hill are created a
[body corporate, by the name of " The Commissioners of Church
Hill," with all the privileges of a body corporate, and may have
a common seal and perpetual succession, and may sue and be
sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity.
1886, ch 434.
90. The bounds and limits of Church Hill shall be as follows:
beginning at the south side of William Barcus' mill-house and
running thence along the north edge of the mill stream to a cedar
tree on the lines of William Barcus, Dr. T. H. Green and B. E.
Cook; thence in a straight line to a stone planted on the north-
west corner of the Episcopal church property, marking the boun-
dary of said property and the property of Dr. T. H. Green and
B. E. Cook; thence in a straight line to the northwest corner of
T. W. Trenchard's stable; thence in a straight line to the north-
west corner of the lot belonging to the public school property at
the stream known as Taylor's branch; thence by and with said
stream in an easterly direction to a point in said stream opposite
to a chestnut tree standing near said stream; thence south in a
straight line to the northeast corner of the Methodist Episcopal
church property; thence with the line of said church property,
in a southerly direction, to the property of W. W. Bowen; thence
by and with the lines of W. W. Bowen's property to the north-
west corner of the livery stable property of Mrs. Mary T. Gawl-
throp; thence by a straight line in an easterly direction to the
northeast corner of the lot now owned by Wm. E. Temple, Jr.;
thence in a straight line running south to the north edge of
Barcus' mill pond; thence by and with the north edge of said
mill pond and stream to the place of beginning.