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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 1089   View pdf image (33K)
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328. If inquisition set aside, court may
direct another to issue, what in-
quisition to contain.
329 Taxes, limit to rate of taxation,
assessment, taxable limits of
330. Appeal to board of commissioners
by persons aggrieved by the as-
331 What additional ordinances com-
missioners authorized to pass.
332. May contract with Mechanics-
town water company
333. May pass ordinances for grading
and paving of streets, lanes and
alleys, may prevent horses and
vehicles from passing over foot-
ways, may tax any part of vil-
lage for paving streets in such
334. May require sidewalks and gut-
ters to be graded and paved,
cost of, by whom to be paid.
335. Publication of ordinances of com-

336. Exemption of plant from taxa-
337. Commissioners may grant rail-
roads privilege of using streets
338. Officers necessary to carry into
effect ordinances; appointment
of town bailiff; powers and
duties of.
339. Bond of bailiff.

340. Power of, to enforce payment of
corporation taxes.
341. Oath of president of commission-
ers and all other officers

342. President, jurisdiction and powers
343. Tax to aid in keeping streets in
good repair.
344. President and commissioners to
remain in office until successors


345. Commissioners may impose and
appropriate fines, penalties and
forfeitures for breach of ordi-
346 Sheriff to receive all persons com-
mitted to jail for breach of or-
347. Fines, how to be collected.
348. Fines, fees and costs to go to cor-
poration, and be by it appropn.
349. Persons, when convicted, refusing
' to pay fine, to be committed to
jail, commitment not to exceed
thirty days.
350. Appeals from decisions of presi-
dent of -commissioners, what
bond to be given by appellant.

351. Citizens of, are a body corporate,
by name of "The Burgess and
Commissioners of Middletown,"
general powers of.
352. Limits of.
353. Qualification of voters in; elec-
tion of burgess and five com-
missioners, when to be held.
354. Elections to be held as directed
by the by-laws of corporation.
355. Oath of burgess and commis-
366. Any commissioner failing to take
such oath within ten days after
elected, office to be declared
vacant, and new election to be
held to fill such vacancy.
357. New election, how to be called.
358. Meetings of burgess and commis-
sioners, clerk, appointment of.
359. Clerk, duties of, ordinances to be
posted in public places of town.
360. Burgess to have powers of jus-
tices of the peace.
361. By-laws and ordinances may be
passed for what purposes.


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 1089   View pdf image (33K)
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