299. Violation of preceding section,
Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks
300. In what election districts unlaw-
ful to sell or give away
301. Violation of preceding section;
302. Sale by druggists upon prescrip-
tions of physicians, of, physi-
cian to give such only when
person requires liquor as a med-
icine; penalty.
303. No license to be granted for sale
of, within two miles and a half
of "Brook Hill meeting house,"
persons selling within such lim-
its; penalty
304. No license to be granted for sale
of, within three miles of Han-
sonville; selling within such
limits, penalty
305. Buckeystown, liquor not to be
sold within two miles of, except
for medicinal purposes and upon
306. Violation of preceding section,
307. Mount Saint Mary's college, un-
lawful to sell in quantities less
than a gallon, within one and a
half miles of.
308. Violation of preceding section;
309. Myersville, unlawful to sell with-
in three miles of; penalty.
310 Wolfsville, unlawful to sell with-
in three miles of, penalty.
311. New London, unlawful to sell
within one mile of.
312. Citizens of, a body corporate by
name of "The Commissioners
of Mechanicstown;" general
powers of
313. Qualification of voters in; elec-
tion of five commissioners;
president of commissioners.
314. Judge of election, appointment
of; polls, when to open and
close, persons receiving major-
ity of votes to be commis-
315. Tie vote, if three commissioners
elected, they to qualify and give
notice of new election to fill
316. If three commissioners not elec-
ted, old board to proclaim a
new election for, notice of.
317. President, duties and compen-
sation of, vacancy, how filled.
313. Meetings of commissioners; va-
cancy in, how filled
319 Clerk, appointment and duties
of, ordinances of commission-
ers to be posted in public places-
of village.
320 Limits of.
321 Fines and forfeitures under ordi-
nances of corporation, how re-
322. What by-laws and ordinances
commissioners authorized to
323. May establish limits and width
of streets and alleys in village,
and remove obstructions from;
opening new streets, consent of
one-half of property-owners re-
quired for
324. Damages and expenses of open-
ing, by whom to be paid.
325. Condemnation of land required
for opening streets, proceedings
326. Oath of jurors, selection of jury.
327 Inquisition of jury, return and
confirmation of