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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 1090   View pdf image (33K)
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362. Footways, when to be paved and
repaired, cost of, how paid.
363 Tenant to pay such cost when
owner is a non-resident, and
deduct it from rent.
364 Collector of taxes, appointment
365 Bond of
366 Duties and powers of.
367 Burgess, duties and bond of.
368 Fines and penalties under provi-
sions of ordinances, how to be
369 Burgess may commit vagabonds
to almshouse.
370. Geese and swine running at large,
impounding of, sale of, proceed-
ings for
371. If owner can prove that such
geese and swine did not go at
large through his want of care,
he may obtain same by paying
expenses of such impounding.
372. Trespassing on land used for ag-
ricultural, gardening or fruit
growing purposes in Middle-
town, penalty.
373. Notary public, governor author-
ized to appoint one for.


374. What erections in Monocacy river
regarded as nuisances, abate-
ment of , penalty.
375. Persons obstructing abatement of
nuisances, penalty.

New Market.

376. Citizens of, are a body corporate
by name of "The Commission-
ers of the Town of New Mar-
ket, " general powers of.
377. Limits of.
378. Qualification of voters in.
379. Number and term of commission-

380 Election for, when to be held;
commissioners to be judges of
elections, oath of judges of elec-

381. Qualifications for office of com-

382 Oath of , upon failure to qualify
within fifteen days after election,
office to be declared vacant.

383 President of, appointment, pow-
ers and duties of, president pro
tem., appointment of

384. Meetings of; vacancies in, how

385. Clerk, appointment and duties
of, ordinances of corporation
to be posted in public places of
386. What by-laws and ordinances
commissioners authorized to
pass, levy for taxes, tax collec-
tor, appointment of.
387 Bond of tax collector, power,
term and compensation of.

388. Assessments, when to be made;
appeal by party aggrieved by

389. Commissioners not to expend

more than received from taxes
and other sources in any one
390 Bailiff, appointment, duties and
powers of.
391. Failure to hold quarterly meet-
ings or annual elections not to
work forfeiture of town's char-
392. What additional by-laws and or-
dinances commissioners author-
ized to pass.
393 Tax for maintenance of lock-up
in town.
394 Offenders against ordinances of
town, commitment of to county
jail, vagrants and beggars to be
committed to almshouse.


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 1090   View pdf image (33K)
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