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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 1087   View pdf image (33K)
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266. Exemption of plant from tax-
267 Cost of appeal from decision of
officer of registration, how to
be paid.

268. Mayor and aldermen authorized
to issue bonds not exceeding
$512,500, how such to be issued,
exempted from taxation.
269. Proceeds of sale to be used in
retiring bonded debt of city.
270. Levy for payment of interest and
principal of such bonds.


271. Citizens of, are a body corporate
by name of "The Commission-
ers of Jefferson," general pow-
ers of.
272. Limits of.
273. Qualification of voters in; elec-
tion of five commissioners.
274. Polls, when to be opened and
closed; elections, how to be
275. Vacancy in commissioners, spe-
cial election to fill.
276. Meetings of commissioners, pres-
ident, appointment and duties
277. Clerk, appointment of.
278. Clerk to enter ordinances of com-
missioners in a book; ordi-
nances to be posted in public
places of town.
279. What by-laws and ordinances
commissioners may pass
280. May levy tax for uses of corpo-
ration; collector, appointment
and powers of.
281. Collector, term, responsibility
and compensation of.
282. Hogs running at large, penalty.

283. Bailiff, appointment and powers

284 President of commissioners, pow-
ers of.
285 Fines and forfeitures under ordi-
nances of corporation, how re-


286. Levy for payment of.
287. When collector to pay sum so
288. Certificate of clerk of circuit court
shall entitle them to be paid.

Justices of the Peace and Con-

289. Number of.
290. Two justices and two constables
to be appointed for each new
election district.

Law Library.

291. What fines imposed by circuit
court to be used in purchase of
books for

292. Librarian, appointment of.


293. Riding or driving horses or car-
riages upon pavement of village
of, prohibited; penalty.
294. Constable, duty of, who secs vio-
lation of preceding section.
295. Duty of justice upon oath made
that section 293 has been vio-
296. Constables to pay over fines col-
lected under provisions of sec-
tion 293 to superintendents of;
failure to do so, penalty.
297. Persons may cross pavements in
going to or coming from their
own premises.

Lime Kiln Station.

298. Flagman to be stationed at, by B.
& O. R. R.


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 1087   View pdf image (33K)
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