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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 1086   View pdf image (33K)
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236. Grading and paving sidewalks
and gutters, cost of, by whom
to be paid, proceedings to en-
force payment of cost of

237. Coal weigher, appointment and
duties of.

238. Persons convicted of violating
ordinances of city, punishment

239. Visiting bawdy houses by minors,
mayor and aldermen to pass
ordinances to prevent.

240. Gambling houses, may pass or-
dinances to prevent minors
241. Extending water pipes in city.
242 Opening, widening or closing
streets, proceedings for.

243. Notice required before passing
any ordinance under preceding
section, notice required by com-
missioners before proceeding to

244. For what purposes faith of corpo-
ration may be pledged, bonds,
issuing of, by corporation

245. New assessment, when to be
made; commissioners, appoint-
ment of, appeal from decision
of, to mayor and president of

246. Taxes, for what purposes to be

247. Vagrants, commitment of, to jail
by mayor and aldermen, may
compel them to work, allow-
ance to sheriff for such.

248. Carroll creek, opening, widening,
deepening and straightening of,
by mayor and aldermen; pur-
chase of property needed for.

249. Condemnation of property needed
for improvement of, proceed-
ings for

250. Bonds may be issued for payment
of such improvements; provis-
ions concerning such bonds.
251. Markets, regulations concerning.
252. Bonds issued under act 1868,
chapter 87, exemption of, from,
city taxes

253. Bond of party appealing from
decisions of mayor, what to

254. Taxable limits of Frederick.
2551 Offences against laws and ordi-
nances of corporation, before
whom to be tried; arrests for
breaches of, by whom to be

256. Mayor and aldermen, right of,
to grant to railroad companies
the use of streets of city.
257. Licenses to be issued by.
258. Lien of livery stable keepers upon
horses and vehicles, for expenses
of keeping.

259. Sale of such horses and vehicles,
how made.

260 Before sale, livery keeper to
state an account before justices
of the peace, account, what to

261. Levy for payment of interest
and principal of bonds, issued
under act of 1878, chapter 296.

262. Obstructing aisles of churches,
schools or places of public
amusement, unlawful

263. Doors of such places to be kept
open when in use, unless they
open outwards.

264. Violation of the two preceding
sections; penalty.

265. Grand jury to be charged concern-
ing execution of three preceding
sections, police to make nightly
examinations of such places.


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 1086   View pdf image (33K)
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