190-198. What ordinances aldermen
empowered to pass.
199. May impose fines and penalties
for breach of their ordinances
and by-laws.
200. All ordinances to be signed by
201. Tax for extending B. & O. R. R.
from depot to any street; when
to be levied and collected.
202. Aldermen may construct a track
of rails from Market street to
intersect B. & 0. R. R.; ex-
pense to be paid out of reve-
nues of city.
203. Persons over seventy exempted
from all duties relating to fire
company meetings and fires.
204 Corporation may introduce water
into city.
206. May purchase property necessary
to carry out provisions of pre-
ceding section, may lay mains
and conduits.
206. May establish reservoirs and
207. May insert and repair fire plugs.
208. May convey water in such man-
ner as they deem best; may ap-
propriate lands necessary for
construction of water works
and springs not attached to any
209. Proceedings to condemn lands
and springs; jury.
210. Jury of inquest, how selected
211. Oath of jurors
212. Examination of witnesses by jury.
213. Inquisition of jury to be reduced
to writing and filed with clerk
of circuit court.
214. Inquisition to be confirmed un-
less sufficient cause shown.
215. If inquisition set aside, court
may direct another to issue.
216 What inquisition to contain.
217. Debt incurred on account of
water works, provisions for
payment of
218. Persons polluting said waterp
219. Injuring water works; penalty.
220. Persons not water renters med-
dling with water in said works;
221. Sheriff to receive persons com-
mitted to jail for violation of
city ordinances.
222. Disorderly persons, commitment
of to work-house by mayor
and aldermen.
223. No ordinance shall impose fine
exceeding $20, nor commitment
to work-house exceeding thirty
224 Fines to go to corporation
225. Ordinances, when binding on
226. Inhabitants of, made competent
witnesses in cases arising under
this sub-title.
227. Markets, erection of, mayor and
aldermen to buy property for.
228. Proceedings to condemn property
229. Jury, selection of.
230. Oath of.
231. Examination of witnesses by;
testimony to be reduced to
writing, assessing damages by.
232. Inquisition of, to be reduced to
writing and returned by sheriff
to circuit court within twenty
233 Inquisition, when to be con-
234. If inquisition set aside, court to
direct another to issue.
235. What inquisition to contain.