154. Limits of.
155. Divided into ten wards; bounda-
ries of.
156. Qualification of voters in; elec-
tions to be by ballot.
157. Mayor and five aldermen, elec-
tion of.
158. Mayor, qualifications of.
159. Aldermen, qualifications of.
160. Officers of registration, appoint-
ment, duties and qualifications
of; who entitled to register; list
of voters, how published.
161. False swearing before registers,
persons guilty of, penalty.
162 Oath of registers
163 Registration books, how to be
made out, time when registers
are to sit for purposes of regis-
tering voters, notice for; list of
voters to be published.
164. Sittings of registers for purpose
of correcting books of registra-
tion, notice required; duties of
registers, appeal from decisions
of, to circuit court, list of names
stricken off to be published
165. Registration books to be deliv-
ered to register of Frederick,
when; duty of register.
166. List of qualified voters, how to
be published and posted, and
when; 'tampering with books of
registration; penalty.
167. Compensation and powers of reg-
isters; fraud by, penalty.
168. Judges of elections, duties of,
under provisions of this sub-
title; violation by, of provisions
of this section, penalty.
169. Powers of judges of elections.
170. Return of results of elections by,
when to be made.
171. Vacancy in office of mayor, how
172. Vacancy in office of alderman,
election to fill.
173. Oath of aldermen, judges and
clerks of elections, and other
officers of city; mayor to qualify,
174. Meetings of aldermen; mayor may
convoke, whenever he deems fit.
175. Majority of, constitute a quorum.
176. Absent members, attendance of,
how compelled.
177. Aldermen to appoint their presi-
dent and other officers; duty of
178 Are judges of elections, returns
and qualifications of their own
members, expulsion of mem-
179. To keep a journal; deliberations
to be public.
180. Register of city, election and
duties of.
181. Constables, appointment, salary
and powers of.
182 Other officers not named herein,
appointment of.
183. Mayor and aldermen to have
powers and jurisdiction of jus-
tices of the peace.
184. Office of mayor; special con-
stables; appointment and com-
pensation of.
185. Compensation of mayor.
186. Mayor may take acknowledg-
ment of any deed; fee allowed
187. May call upon any officer in-
trusted with money for an ac-
count at any time.
188. Shall see that ordinances are
executed; annual report to cor-
poration; what to contain.
189. Annual statement by register of
city, what to contain.