127. Collector to be protected in exe-
cuting the duties of his office;
right of redemption by owner;
purchaser, remedies of, to re-
cover possession of property
128. Burgess, powers and duties of.
129. Other officers that are necessary
to execute powers of said cor-
poration, how appointed.
130. Money arising from fines and
penalties under ordinances of
corporation, how to be appro-
131. Pines and penalties imposed
under ordinances of corpora-
tion, how recoverable.
132. Appeal allowed from decision of
burgess or justice of the peace,
what bond to stay execution
upon judgment necessary.
133. Persons failing to pay fine for
violation of ordinances to be
committed to jail; duty of
134. Burgess to have power to issue
subpoenas for witnesses, and to
compel attendance by attach-
ment; fees allowed.
135. What persons found within town,
burgess or justices of the peace
may commit to almshouse.
136. Corporation shall not issue any
note, token, certificate or evi-
dence of debt, to circulate as
187. Stock running at large within
town of, commissioners author-
ized to pass ordinances to pro-
138. May contract with Emmitsburg
water company for supply of
water to town; what amount
to be paid for use of water an-
139. Water tax to pay interest on cost
of supplying town with water,
not to exceed what.
140. Joint fences, repair and height of.
141. Person refusing to repair his por-
tion of joint fence, proceedings
for repair of, by other party.
142. Discontinuation of joint fences,
notice for.
143. Throwing lime or poisonous sub-
stances in streams of Frederick
county; penalty
144. Person refusing to pay fine im-
posed by preceding section, to
be committed to jail.
145 Unlawful to take fish in Monocacy
river or its tributaries, by seines,
drag-nets, fish-pots,&c ; proviso.
146. Violation of preceding section;
147. Constable, duty of, whose atten-
tion is called to violation or
section 145; penalty.
148. Costs, by whom to be paid, upon
failure to convict persons
charged with violation of sec-
tion 145.
149. Appeal allowed from judgments,
under provisions of sections 145
and 146, bond to stay execution,
upon such judgments.
150. Unlawful to catch fish during
May in waters of Frederick
county, Potomac river excepted.
151. Violation of preceding section;
penalty; appeal allowed
152. Frederick county exempted from
operation of certain of the pro-
visions of article 39 of code of
public general laws, title "fish
and fisheries."
153. Citizens of, are a body corporate,
by name of "The Mayor and
Aldermen of Frederick," gen-
eral powers of.