certificate to that effect, signed by the president and secretary of
the said board, and such certificate shall be conclusive as to the
right of the lawful holder of the same to practise medicine in
this State; provided, that the provisions of this sub-title of this
article shall not apply to any person who has been practising
medicine continuously within this State for ten years before the
passage of this sub-title of this article.
1888, ch. 429, sec. 2.
40. The verification of the diploma shall consist in the affi-
davit of the holder or applicant that he or she is the lawful
possessor of the same, and that he or she is the person therein
named; and for the purpose of this sub-title of this article the
said State board of health, or a majority thereof, is authorized to
administer oaths, or examine under oath, any person applying
for the certificate of the board. Graduates may present their
diplomas, with affidavits as to the genuineness of the same taken
before any person authorized to administer oaths in this State,
attested under the hand and official seal of such officer, if he have
a seal, by letter or by proxy; and the said State board of health
shall, if satisfied that the diploma has been issued by a legally
authorized medical college of good reputation and standing, and
that the applicant is the lawful possessor of the same, issue a cer-
tificate the same as though the owner of the diploma were
Ibid. sec. 3.
41. Every person not a graduate of any legally authorized
medical college, but who is practising in the State, shall present
himself before the State board of health for such examination as
the said board shall require; and if the examination be satis-
factory to the examiners, the said board shall issue its certificate
in accordance with the facts, and the lawful holder of such cer-
tificate shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges herein
Ibid. sec. 4.
42. The said State board of health shall receive a fee of one
dollar for every diploma examined and certificate issued thereon,
or from every graduate who applies for the certificate of the
board; and every candidate, not a graduate, applying for a cer-